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Eat Drink Journey, Issue #002 -- 1/09/2017
January 09, 2017
Hello all,

January 2-9, 2017

Eat, Drink, Journey is still in the adolescent phase, with occasional growth spurts. New this week are the first entries in the Gourmet Market section, highlighting outstanding purveyors of mail-order food.

Some years back I was in Germany, interviewing a chef who had just received his third Michelin star. The locavore movement was getting started at that time, and I asked the chef what he thought of it. His response resonated with me: "Where a product comes from is of no importance. The only important thing is the quality of that product."

Does this mean you shouldn't buy local products? Of course not. What it means is that a better-quality product that comes from two 2,000 miles away is superior to a local version of lesser quality. We live in an age where virtually anything you desire can be delivered to your door within 24 hours, so take advantage of it when you can.

Here are last week's posts:

McSorley's Old Ale House, NYC Reflections on Oyster Stew Why Wine, Hospitality and Politics Don't Mix The Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookie Anatomy of A Trip to the Wine Shop

Stay in touch!




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